0) If you are OFF CAMPUS (i.e. not in a lab or using campus WiFi) you must connect to the LSU VPN before you can connect to classes.csc. Follow the instructions at the link below: https://networking.grok.lsu.edu/Article.aspx?articleId=14785 1) Log on to classes.csc.lsu.edu via an SSH client and using the account and password given to you by your instructor. 2) Create a program directory progN with N being the number of the assignment designated by your instructor (such as prog1, prog2, and so on). 3) Place your homework file in this directory so that it can be submitted for grading. Note that only files can be submitted for grading (folders/directories and their contents will be ignored). 4) When you are ready to submit, use the command '~cs4356_jye/bin/p_copy N' (without quotes) where N is the number of the assignment (for example, N=1 for prog1). 5) You can use p_copy again if you need to make corrections. It will overwrite the original homework submission including the time stamp. Note, that this could cause your work to be considered late if you resubmit after the assignment's deadline. 6) You can use '~cs4356_jye/bin/verify N' to view the list of files you have submitted and their timestamps. This verifies that your homework was properly submitted for grading.