Learn CSS Step by Step


-Name history

-Visit Akrotiri

-Mozart's Diary

-HTML Colors

-Sistine Chapel

Follow the instructions to fix this page.

Exercise developed by Megan McCarty

This is an unformatted webpage. Please add the css codes which will make it attractive, according to the instructions. Refer to Jimmy Lin's example for the basic css structure as a guide.

Step 1.Copy-paste this text into a new blank document and save it to your computer.
Step 2. Make the following changes, saving and viewing the page every so often to see the effect.

Note: The markup is regular HTML, but as you write CSS, the STYLE will apply to all the basic HTML tags already present.

  1. Make h1 (the page header text) the font lucida sans, size 25, bold, centered, and this color #42426F. (Hint, there is CSS code for an h3 in place to help you...)
  2. Make the paragraphs verdana font, text size 14, and the color #42426F.
  3. Make a href (links) size 13, verdana font, black in color on default, #669966 when hovered over or active, and #003300 after visited.
  4. Make three different table cell (td) styles, one for the header cell, one for the sidebar, and one for the main body. Add colors and borders to your liking! I put comments in this page code to guide you.

This page will be the result of your changes!